Medicare Commission Calculator
We created this calculator for you so that you can easily calculate how much money you can make selling Medicare health plans. Rather than exaggerate the numbers, we actually undershot the commission potential so that the real numbers will pleasantly surprise you.
We prefer to under promise and over deliver. For the purpose of this calculator, we predict one in four policies you write will be considered “New to Medicare.” “New to Medicare” clients will pay out over $500 per policy whereas renewal policies pay out over $250. You will actually be paid whatever the current approved maximum is by CMS for the products you sell.
We also know that not every single policy you write will stay on the books.
If you are excellent at customer service and following up with your clients, you should expect to lose about 2% of your business every year.
If you are good at servicing your policies, you should expect to lose about 5%.
If you are only sometimes good at servicing your book, you can expect to lose about 10%.
If you are not very good at service or following up, you should expect to lose about 15% of your policies.
Some agents sell Medicare part-time, others full-time. This is your business, we simply help back you up! How many you sell is up to you. We can help you design a marketing and business plan that fits you and how much business you want to write. Happy selling!